Basically, Human Performance Improvement is the ideas or behaviors that aid in accomplishing goals.
Flow Theory - Implementing for Improved Performance
Entering the Flow State: Boosting Creativity and Productivity
Resources on Performance Improvement
Empirical Research on Performance Improvement
Furthering Women Faculty in Leadership Roles: A Human Performance Improvement Case Study
Questions to consider for improvement in performance:
Does my instruction style facilitate or inhibit feedback?
Lengthy lectures and a “sage on a stage” teaching style pose challenges for effective feedback, since feedback is most effective when delivered as soon as possible following students’ performance. Instead, use a “say, see, do” model that offers quick feedback loops—short segments of instruction followed by ample opportunity for student practice and of course, feedback. Building group and collaborative work into instruction will not only boost student engagement, but also maximize opportunities for immediate peer feedback. And don’t forget to integrate technology to your advantage: a flipped classroom approach frees up class time for small-group or one-on-one work (thus expanding opportunities for student feedback) and gamified lessons use challenges, rewards, skill levels and recognition systems to enhance motivation as well as real-time feedback.
Am I offering objective, non-debatable observations of student performance? When offering feedback to students, resist the urge to evaluate and judge student performance. Simply state in objective and very specific terms what you observed.
Instead of: “This homework is incomplete. You need to show your work.”
Try: “The purpose of this homework assignment was to demonstrate your understanding of how to use the partial products or provide examples of finished products.
Do I give students opportunities to apply feedback to improve performance? Rather than penalizing multiple attempts at mastery, give kids plenty of chances to try again. Use pre- and post-assessments to reveal student growth and boost motivation.