Topic: Instructional Strategies
This unit focuses on strategies that may be implemented to maximize student learning. Such areas as active learning, cooperative learning, team-based learning and collaborative learning are discussed. According to Liz Kolb (2018), “children who used software that showed them how to complete puzzles were unable to complete the puzzles using physical pieces—yet when a human demonstrated the task, the children were able to successfully complete it”.
Questions to consider:
What are instructional strategies?
What instructional strategies are appropriate for K-12?
How would you design or set up your course or classroom to meet the needs of diverse learners?
What instructional strategies are best for fine arts courses?
Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
10 Ways Technology Can Enhance the Art Room
Several Resources from the article:
In Class instructional Tools:
Global use of Technology in the Classroom:
Global use of Technology in the Classroom:
Research-Based Tech Integration Strategies
Kolb, L. (2018). Research-based tech integration strategies. Retrieved from:
Reiser, R.A. & Dempsey, J.V. (2017). Trends and issues instructional design and technology. (4th. ed.). Pearson: Boston, MA.
Reopening schools 2020-21: Best practices for k-12. Fine arts programs. Retrieved from:
Great Information on the HPI model, I did see this one. Thank you for your great information. And Canva, the drag and drop interface is so easy to use, and the use of editing photos, for those that do not have the expertise of Photoshop.